- Domain Name.
- Memory Space On Internet.
What Is a Domain Name:
A domain name uniquely identifies a web site on the internet. All of the following are examples of very famous domain names:
What Is Memory Space On Internet:
In order to access website pages files through internet we need to put our files in places (memory space) were internet based softwares can find them. Usually these internet based softwares are very costly and cannot be owned by all, therefore we have Internet Service Providers (ISP's). ISP's sell memory space to website developers where they can copy their respective website with all its pages and with the help of there internet based softwares our website pages can be accessed through internet.
How Can I Get a Domain Name and Memory Space:
- Visit any of the Internet Service Providers website (Eg: www.net4.in).
- Create your account information.
- Check if your required domain name exists. If exists buy that domain name and also buy some space for the same.
- Note this contract needs to be renewed time to time as mentioned in the contract
- Once we have purchased a domain name and Memory space the Internet Service Provider will provide us with the following 3 things:
- User Name
- Password
Please keep this information with you while uploading your website files on internet.